Saturday 19 July 2008

Pumpkin Flower

Here is a Pumpkin Flower (it's a male one) i took this morning...

Thursday 17 July 2008

Latest Pics (Old Camera)

Here are my latest pictures from my garden on what happening...

                                   This is my first Courgette - still tiny but growing quickly!
                                                   What's happening to my broccoli :(
                                     My Carrots, purple sprouting broccoli and cauliflower
                                     together, they probably need thinning but got nowhere
                                     else to put them!
                                       My Baby Pumpkin! Yesterday the flower was out but
                                       the flowers (they are very nice one's!) die off very 
                                       quickly on all of the plants in the family. You see 
                                       the swelling before the flower has even opened and
                                       this means the flower is female - males are just flowers.
                                      Last but not least my spuds! These are 'Wilja' Second Earlies.
                                      I had to lift them slightly earlier because the plants got broken 
                                      in some winds we had last week :( However, they are still very big
                                      with some smaller one's - They taste nothing like shop bought one's!

What's this Blog for?

This blog is for me to blog my best pictures and garden pictures here for you to enjoy.

I will start posting when i get my new digital camera so i can put brilliant, high quality images up on here for you to all enjoy.

The content will include:
- My best and favorite digital images i have taken.
- Images and progress of my plants (mainly fruit and vegetable plants) - This would be quite nice for people to view i think because they can see the progress of other beginners gardens and progress and hopefully it will be one big sharing experience just how gardening is meant to be.
-Maybe more?

